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Adding Hijabs soon insha’Allah!

29 Nov

Hey Salaam everyone!

Being a mom to two kids is eventful I must say! Sleepless nights, sick toddler and a teething 5 month old is keeping me on my toes! I have been working hard at adding hijabs to my collection and its moving forward. We’ll start off with giveaways first so spread the word and like my Facebook page Zeba Ramos Clothing.

What do you look for when buying a hijab? What colors would you like, do you want plain or printed materials and what material do you look for?

Here are some of the fabrics I will possibly work with for the giveaways.

Zeba xx
Mas Salaama


Bonnet Tutorial

6 Jun


This is part two of the under-scarf tutorials, the first tutorial was on the under-scarf and the second one here is on the bonnet style under-scarf. I prefer wearing the under-scarf over the bonnet, its comfortable and stays put. But everyone has their own preferences.

If you already own a bonnet and it fits you good, measure all the points I have mentioned in the video and use that to cut your pieces. If you don’t own one, then use the measurements that I provide. I think my head is a normal size, my husband thinks I have a big head and I think he has a big head lol…anyways, the point being is that using my measurements should work out fine.

I also wanted to mention that I will not be posting for a while, here and there maybe, an update on when my baby arrives and about the clothing line insha’Allah. I’m due on the 18th of JUNE, right around the corner, we can’t wait to meet our new addition insha’Allah!!!

Have fun making this bonnet, it’s not as hard as it seems. You can still email me with questions and requests, I will work on them as much as I can and I will definitely email you back.

🙂 Zeba Ramos x

Under-Scarf Tutorial

6 Jun

Assalaam Alaykum,

I have been crazy busy trying to prep for baby and my clothing line and I’ve been procrastinating on so many things. I have been promising this under-scarf tutorial for a very long time and I’ve finally done it. I have done 2 tutorials, one on an under-scarf and the other on is on a bonnet. I’m not sure I was very clear in my video on how to make an under-scarf so I made a diagram that is easy to follow along with the video.



Good Luck with making this very simple under-scarf.
Zeba Ramos xx

My flower art hijab…

3 Jan

A little fuzzy hijab art…I wanted to show off my latest creation…my hijab art, I know this is huge in Egypt and I was fascinated with the flower hijab art when I was in Egypt. I’ve made the flower plenty of times, the first time was when I attended my sister’s wedding, it turned out all right and I have been practising ever since. So after a million tries I finally made it perfect!!! And here it is, too bad the pic isn’t clear enough but you can still see the flower.

fuZZy wuZZy


Review and tutorial on LaDecence Hijabs…

30 Nov

Assalaam Alaykum,

Recently I received hijabs from . These hijabs are so beautiful, light and flowy. I love the floral prints and I also love the jersey material as it drapes very well. I have done a review on all three hijabs and also a tutorial on two of the hijabs. The prices are reasonable and affordable, you really can’t go wrong there. She also sells hijab pins, sleeves and other accessories on her website, please check it out. I left the link above.

Mas Salaama

DIY plaid hijab with lace pleated applique

25 Oct

Assalaam Alaykum,

It’s been a while since my last post and the reason for that is MY CLOTHING LINE!!! It’s been so insane running around trying my best to get everything done on time and in the end it looks like I’ve missed my fall deadline. But Allhumdulillah everything is going well. So as of now I won’t say it’ll be done by this time, because I want everything to be perfect and I don’t want to give it a time. Doing the production locally is a benefit because I can go see what’s happening and I am more hands on. And my little guy can come with!!

OKAY, moving on, I went on a hunt for unique hijab fabric, I wanted to make something different and I found this gorgeous plaid fabric in the men’s suiting side of the fabric store. I fell in love and so I couldn’t put it down. Then I went searching for lace and I found this gorgeous black lace that I used as pleats on one end of the hijab, as you see in the tutorial. With the remaining left over lace I used it as trims for cushion covers that I made. My living room needed a color boost. It turned out really nice!



Mas Salaama,

Zeba x

How to sew a tube or infinity scarf

5 Oct

Assalaam Alaykum,

Here is a very simple and easy to follow tutorial on how you can make yourself a homemade infinity scarf. You don’t need much, some fabric, whatever size and length you desire, pins and a sewing machine or you can hand sew this. I’ve used left over fabric that I had from a dress I made.

Have fun making this, it’s a fun and easy project for even kids!!!

Mas Salaama,
Zeba Ramos x

DIY neck extensions…

26 Aug

Neck Extension is that piece of fabric that covers your chest and back that can be worn under you shirts for chest and back coverage. They are also known as dickies...The example I have here I bought in Egypt and I find it too short, who wants to be tugging all day long???

I promised a sister a while back that I would do this tutorial and it’s finally here!! I really hope that you all make use of this video as these are so simple to make!! I didn’t end up doing a hem because you can’t see it and stretch material doesn’t unravel. Please don’t hesitate to ask questions if you are a bit confused on some parts!

You’ll need

1/2 a yard to 3/4 yard of stretch fabric

marking tool

measuring tape


sewing machine



Mas Salaama


Infinity Scarf FUN!!!

29 Jun


You know when you have that favorite tshirt that you just can’t get rid of…well, I may have a solution for you lovely ladies!!! I have been doing this for a while, cutting up my shirts and it’s soooo much fun!!! I think you all should give it a try!! 😉

Infinity scarves are the circular tube like scarves. I first purchased one from AVON 6 years ago and wore it pinned up as a hijab and I remember going to a store and people were asking if it was my hair. Seriously!!! Anyways, I still have that one and my father in law bought me 3 from Peru. These scarves are so much fun because you can play around with it just like a hijab but you can also turn these scarves into shrugs!!!

So in my video I show you how you can make one by cutting up your shirt. I will insha’ALlah show you how to make one from scratch.

PS: So I didn’t realize that I was just recording the lower half of my face. My son sort of took off with my tripod and now I don’t know where it is…although I have a good idea what might have happened to it. Also, my son wanted to help me out with my voice over, so he does make a voice appearance in the video for a while and he’s LOUD!!! And lastly, it’s hot here and I had a fan on in the background and for that reason I had to voice over because the loudness of the fan took over my voice.


Mas Salaama


Turning scraps of fabric into hijab…

21 Jun

I just got back from another amazing trip…I already miss my family and friends, but I have much to look forward too!!! Like my family coming to NY in 3 weeks Insha’Allah…we are going to have a blast together making this part two of my summer fun!!! BTW, Vancouver is not a bad city, the true Vancouverites and Canuck fans are not rioters! All of us were just as stunned and disgusted with what we saw as the rest of the world. I am proud of the Canucks for making it to the Stanley Cup Finals and for giving us a great season!!!

A while back I made a skirt made from ruffled material, the tutorial can be found on youtube and also here on my blog. So with the remaining material I was able to make myself a hijab. There are two ways to wearing it, I prefer one over the other, the way I have it in the picture has the ruffles falling down. I don’t really like to wear it that way, I prefer to have the ruffles facing back. I will post a tutorial on how to do wear it the other way this week Insha’Allah.

I hope you all enjoy the first day of summer Insha’Allah…xx